Our 2006 Aruba Trip

When: Winter 2006 (December 23 - December 30)

Where: Aruba, an autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Caribbean Sea.



Who is who:   crew
Eugene, Valentina, Anton, George

Crew Members:

New York, NY
Rotterdam, NY
first mate
Fort Lee, NJ
second mate
Marlboro, NJ

Abstracts from the Diary.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Day 1 – December 23, Saturday
Have you ever been in a place where the water is so clear you can see the bottom? Where you can see schools of tropical fish swimming around? Well, we have and that place is called Aruba. It is a wonderful place. Can you imagine yourself swimming next to a ‘Dorthy’ or a ‘Nemo’ fish and racing with an ostrich? Going to Aruba has been the best week of my life so far. We will never forget the time we had there.
Day 2 – December 24, Sunday
Last year, during winter break, my grandfather, grandmother, my little cousin and I had flown to Aruba. The tiny island is located in the south of the Caribbean Sea, not far from Venezuela. The island has a population of about 93 thousand people which is mostly made up of tourists. Going to Aruba is very unique. The culture there is very much like the American culture: everybody contributes something to it. The Spanish where the first to discover the island but after the 80 Year War, the Dutch had conquered the land of Aruba. The Indians who settled in Aruba long ago where allowed to live if they were in the hands of the Dutch. The Spanish have mixed their culture with the Native Indians and the Dutch to form their own ‘Arubian culture’
Day 3 – December 25, Monday
Going to Aruba had been the best experience I had ever had. I had visited many different places like the Ostrich Farm and The Aruba Aloe Company. I had been swimming on many beautiful beaches on the wonderful tropical island. Going to the Ostrich Farm had been a ‘deadly’ experience. Besides the vengeful ostriches, my cousin and I enjoyed it there. As we were walking down the isle of the big cages, one ostrich had been let loose. While backing up away from the fierce ostrich, my cousin and I were panicking. We did not know what to do. Should we spilt up and risk the chance of being eaten alone or should we stay together and fight? “To be or not to be?” (W. Shakespeare). The choice had to be decided quickly or our lives would soon end. Then out of nowhere, in the blink of an eye, my grandfather had jumped in the way to save us from the cannibalistic ostrich. Then we were sure we could defeat the ostrich because by our side, was an experienced man who was ‘trained’ to fight wild animals.
Day 4 – December 26, Tuesday
As we were driven to the Aruba Aloe Company by a ‘taxi jeep’ our eyes had seen many different things. Cactuses were everywhere while lizards ran around in them. The Aruba Aloe factory had been advertised everywhere even in the shower of the hotel! I thought this was going to an amazing place. Well, I was absolutely correct. The Aruba Aloe was a great big farm that has rows and rows and rows of the aloe plant growing. The plant was hand picked and placed into series of mechanical devices that developed the plant. Then it was made into many different hand lotions and shampoos that were sold at many stores not only in Aruba but they were shipped out of the country to be sold around the world.
Day 5 – December 27, Wednesday
Another one of our ‘great adventures’ had involved scuba diving in the coral reefs. The water was as clear as crystals. As my brave grandfather had jumped in the water first, my cousin and I were enrobing ourselves with scuba gear. As I was about to jump into the water, I had thought about the fact of sea monsters in the water. I had stepped away from the water thinking if my leg would be bitten off if I entered the water. My fear of the ocean has haunted me for many years. As I had seen, my cousin and my grandfather were still alive.
Day 6 – December 28, Thursday
While embracing myself, I had tried to get the thoughts of scary sea monsters out of my head. Then, I jumped into the water. What was this? Nothing pulled my leg, and I was alive. I was satisfied. After I swam over to where my cousin was, I dove under water to find thousands of tropical fish swimming around. That was the greatest sight I had ever seen! The water was almost like a rainbow made up of fish. My fears of the dreaded water had ‘swam’ away with the fish that I had tried to catch (they were pretty fast).
Day 7 – December 29, Friday
The trip to Aruba had been very successful for my family and me. My cousin and I had the best time ever and we want to go there every winter. My grandparents had enjoyed watching their grandsons experience the wonders of Aruba. If you have never been to Aruba, you are missing out on the fun of the natural wonder on Earth. Traveling is one of the most funs and almost everybody loves to travel. If you have not gone to Aruba, go there and you will have to best time ever.
Day 8 – December 30, Saturday
Recorded by Eugene.
Pictures made by George and Eugene.
Food and moral support provided by Valentina.
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